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Why Arms Are Not Growing?

To get bigger arms, you have to find a balance between the right workout, the right form, consistency, rest, and the right food. Even though everyone knows the basics, there are some things you are doing wrong that are keeping your arms from getting as big, strong, and muscular as Hrithik Roshan's.

Why don't your arms get bigger?

1. Putting only the biceps in mind

Exercise Mistakes That Won't Let Your Arms Grow

Everyone loves getting a good bicep pump, but will only working your biceps make your arms bigger? The answer is a loud and clear "NO." When it comes to the muscles in your arm, almost 70% of the muscle mass is in the triceps. The biceps work on the last 30%. If you want bigger arms, it makes sense that you should work on your triceps more than your biceps.

2. Too Little Rest

Exercise Mistakes That Won't Let Your Arms Grow

When you work out, your muscles don't grow; instead, they break down. When you rest, your muscles get stronger and bigger. So, overtraining without enough rest can be a big reason why your arms aren't getting bigger and stronger.Most people don't work out their biceps until after they've worked out their backs, and they don't work out their triceps until after they've worked out their chest and shoulders. Well, that's a terrible idea. Why? Well, that's because research has shown over and over again that muscle growth is always best in the muscle groups that are worked out first. So, if you add arm exercises at the end of your workout, you won't be able to work them hard enough because you're already tired from all the heavy lifting you did at the beginning.

Move your arm workouts around

So, the easy way to fix this arms day mistake is to put the development of your arms first as much as possible if you want them to grow. Try putting them at the beginning of your workout instead of always putting them at the end. Or, even better, set aside an extra day to train them?

Now, this can also explain why your biceps and triceps might not be as strong as they could be. If you always train your biceps before your triceps, your biceps may become stronger than your triceps over time. This imbalance can make you less attractive and make you more likely to get hurt. And that's not what you want. So, to make sure that both muscles grow at the same rate over time, switch which muscle you start with every week. Maybe biceps this week and triceps the week after that.

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