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Why Are Strong Arms Attractive?

When you turn around, women aren't looking at the back of your head or the backs of your knees. Surprise! An AskMen poll shows that women like butts just as much as men do, if not more. Most of the 100 women polled said they liked men with strong glutes. This shows that your girlfriend is paying attention when you watch football and baseball.

6 Pullup Variations to Work Every Angle of Your Back

Strong, Wide Shoulders

A study from the University of Albany found that a woman's sexual satisfaction is strongly linked to the attractiveness and shoulder width of her partner. Men with weak shoulders should go to the gym. Broad, well-defined shoulders have always been seen as a sign of strength and masculinity. According to David Perett's book In Your Face: The New Science of Human Attraction, men with a higher shoulder-to-hip ratio reported having sex at a younger age and with more partners.

10 Beautiful Body Parts

Ripped and slimmed down

In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2013, back width (remember the shoulder-to-hip ratio?) accounted for more than 79 percent of the differences in how attractive a man was seen to be by women. When it came to physical attractiveness, a man's height and gifts didn't matter as much as if he had a wide V-shaped back.

10 A bodybuilder doing preacher curls to work out his forearms

Strong Arms, Defined

In a survey done by with more than 100 college women from all over the country, most said that arms were the thing that turned them on the most. Women like to see a hint of a man's biceps through his t-shirt or sweater because they think it shows that he takes care of his body. Strong arms show that a man can protect a woman and, by accident, that he can lift her up.Apologies to all men who don't look like they were carved out of marble. It turns out that women are most attracted to men who look strong, with muscular arms and toned torsos, preferring these bodies to those that look slimmer and weaker.

Shocking, huh? It's so unfair for women to care about how they look. It's kind of like how men tend to like slim women with curves, but it's ridiculous because women aren't allowed to have lustful physical desires.

But before all skinny boys go cry in a corner, we'd like to point out that the study that was used to "prove" that women like bigger men isn't very good. We don't think the results have much to do with the real world.

For one thing, the study, which was led by Griffith University in Queensland, Australia, only looked at 160 women, which is not a very large number.

But what was more important was that the way women's tastes were judged was pretty narrow.

Participants were shown photos of shirtless men whose faces were cut off, and they were asked to choose which men they liked better. This means that the women couldn't judge the men based on anything but their torsos and arms. They couldn't show that they liked certain parts of a person's face, style, or personality.

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