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Should I Hit Biceps Or Triceps First?

Most of the time, you wouldn't eat the main dish before the appetizer. And yet, so many people, including me, tend to jump right to the meat and potatoes, if you will, of our workouts. In particular, when we work out our arms.

If you take a waltz around the gym, you'll see that most people start their upper body workouts with good old-fashioned bicep curls. There's nothing wrong with this, but it's better to start with your triceps instead. So, put your weights down, flip it, and turn it around, as Missy Elliot would say. Trainer James Mingle from Fitness Together says that starting your arm workout with your triceps is best because the triceps are connected to more muscle groups where people are naturally weaker. "One example is that your tricep is connected to your rear delts, or the back of your shoulder, which can affect your posture." He says that if you start your workout by lifting weights for your triceps, it will warm up your smaller muscles, including your bicep, for a better workout, with your upper body more ready to take on its exercises.

It's like how skipping before a run gets your legs ready to move more efficiently, or how starting your workout with a plank is a good idea because your core is so important to your fitness overall. Even though starting with the triceps seems backwards, it makes more sense when you really think about it. Since your triceps are the biggest muscle in your arm, working them out first gives the other muscles a chance to shine. So, let's do some tricep dips.

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Everyone wants his arms to be bigger. It's all in our genes. But so many guys send out an SOS when they want to make guns that look good. Either they don't know what they're doing or they know what they should be doing but don't want to put in the hard work.

If you want your arms to be bigger by the time spring comes around, you won't be able to wait until the last two weeks of March. No matter what other people say, you need to pay attention right now.

To get gorilla arms, you need to know how your upper arms work and how you can use that information to grow.

Tri'd & True

The triceps brachii are the muscles on the back of your upper arm, which you probably already knew. The three heads of this muscle group are called the "heads" of the triceps. These are the "medial head," "lateral head," and "long head."

The medial and lateral heads come from the back of the humerus and connect to the ulnar olecranon process.

The long head is different from the medial and lateral heads because it starts on the scapula and meets up with them at the olecranon process. This is an important piece of information for any arm specialization program. It tells us that when we flex the shoulder (lift it up over our head), we stretch and recruit the long head muscle more.

The triceps brachii work with each other to help extend the elbow. Since it is attached to the scapula, the long head is also a weak shoulder extender/adductor.

The anconeus is often grouped with the triceps, even though it is not as important as the triceps. It also helps extend the elbow.

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