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Is Triceps Hard To Build?

If you've tried everything and still can't get your triceps to grow, you'll want to watch this. Here, I'll show you how to get bigger triceps by focusing on the right part of this three-headed arm muscle and the best triceps exercises to make them grow faster. I promise that if you do what I'm showing you, this stubborn muscle will finally start getting bigger.

Anatomy Of The Triceps

To start, it always helps to review a little bit about how the triceps muscle is put together. As the name suggests, the triceps is a muscle with three heads. These heads are the lateral head, the medial head, and the long head. Only one-third of the triceps' total mass is made up of the lateral and medial heads. The back of that upper arm is about two-thirds the size it is all around because of the long head.

The Absence Of The Long Head

Most of the time, the long head doesn't get enough attention when it comes to exercises. Even though the triceps are worked with big compound exercises like the bench press and the close grip bench press, they just won't grow as much as they should. This is because the lateral and medial heads of the triceps are most responsible for extending the elbow under load. This is exactly what these common exercises for pressing do. Without putting a lot of attention on getting that arm up overhead (to stretch the long head more) or back behind the body (to tighten the long head), you won't get the most out of the arm's overall development.

The Cure

That is easy to fix, though. In this video, I'll show you three of the most common triceps exercises that can be changed to work the long head more. Three of these will happen when you use more stretch, and the fourth will happen when you use a stronger contraction.

Lying Triceps Extension + Stretch

The first is a triceps extension done while lying down. To do this, it doesn't matter if you use a straight bar or an EZ bar. Two things are important. First, make sure that your arm stays bent backwards all the way to the top of the move. This keeps the tricep tight throughout the whole exercise. The second thing is how much the triceps muscle is stretched at the bottom. If you stop too soon and don't let your arms go back far enough at the bottom, you won't be able to use an extra stretch reflex for a stronger contraction. This was talked about in a recent video, but it needs to be said again.

What is the best way to build muscle mass in the triceps?

Many people think that if you want big arms, you should only work on your biceps. They couldn't be more wrong. Did you know that about 66% of your arms are made up of your triceps? What are some ways that have been used for a long time to shock the triceps? What is the best way to work the triceps to build muscle mass? (include sets, reps, etc) What are your favorite exercises for your triceps? Why? Who on the current IFBB circuit has the biggest and most defined triceps? Show off what you know to everyone.

N10CT is the winner. Look at ho 124's profile Look at mivi320's profile View Profile: The first place prize is $50 worth of store credit.

N10CT came in first

Triceps are often overlooked, just like all the other muscles on the back. This is a huge problem for lifters, since almost all of them want big guns, whether for bodybuilding competitions or just to impress people of the other sex. You can tell everything you need to know about arm training from the names biceps and triceps.

The prefix bi- means two, like two muscle heads. The prefix tri- means three, like three muscle heads. Right there, you can see that the triceps need to be just as strong, if not stronger, than the biceps if you want to build guns that can break your sleeves. Working all 5 heads instead of just 2 makes it much easier to get your arms to 20 inches.

Triceps anatomy and how it works

As I've already said, the triceps is made up of three muscle heads. These are:

  • The lateral head is the part of the triceps that makes it look like a horseshoe.

  • The middle part.

  • The largest of the three heads is the long one.

  • Triceps Body Parts

Most people who go to the gym know that the main job of the triceps is to straighten the arm by moving the elbow out. When you do a set of pushdowns, this is what's going on. The second function that is not as well known is adduction. That means to bring the arm closer to the body. This job is only done by the long head, and it is shared with the lats.

The exercises for the triceps

There are a lot of great exercises for the triceps that come to mind. You could almost go a year without doing the same triceps exercise twice, between the basic moves and small changes to each. But there are just some exercises that are better than others. Here are the 5 best ways to work out your arms to make them bigger.

Dips: Dips are easy to do and don't need a lot of equipment. You only need a bar for dipping or two flat benches. Set yourself up on the dipping bar or between two benches, lower yourself until your arms are at 90 degrees, and drive back to lockout.

1. To add weight, just put it on your belt or in your lap. During dips, it's important to stay as straight as possible. When you lean forward, you take the focus off your triceps and put it on your chest.

2. Close Grip Bench Presses: This move is the same as a bench press, but your hands are closer together and your index fingers are just off the smooth part of the bar. You can change up this move by only doing the top 1/3 lockout to really work the tris.

3. Push-downs are the best way to work your triceps. Almost every person who works out in a gym does this move. Grab a rope, bar, or handle and put your arms straight down until you reach the "lockout" position. It's easy and works well. There are almost an infinite number of ways to change this movement. Different bars, different hand positions, one hand, and so on.

4. French presses, triceps extensions while lying down, or skull crushers:

No other weight training move has so many different names. No matter what you call it, it works the triceps well. Just lie down on a flat bench with your arms stretched out to the sky. Now, lower a barbell or dumbbells toward your head while keeping your upper arm perpendicular to the ground (hence skull crusher). Once you get to your head, stretch your arms back to where you started.

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